Zero2Hero: Evan Money
Kamala Appel: Hello everyone! This is Kamala Appel. I’m here today with Evan Money. We are exploring living a healthier life and Evan’s on that path so he’s with me today. Even tell us a little bit of your background and what did you started with living a healthy life and just a little bit about your background and give me special areas of expertise you want to share with us.
Evan Money: Oh Kamala I’m super excited to be with you here, that’s number one and look forward to giving you and everyone else a fantastic interview as far as background goes. It’s pretty…it’s a wide again, that the short version is I’m a bestselling author of the cancer-prevention book, I’m a global entrepreneur and I’ve spent probably the last, almost 20 years researching health and nutrition. And unlike some of these “celebrities-whatever” hocking this or that, I’m a firm believer that you got to walk the walk. So I live my beliefs and I think the last time I checked, my body fat was under eight percent and off the charts with all other measurements. I’d like to live the message and appeal to my fans and colleagues; everybody called me the next Jack Lalanne which I’m excited about. That’s some big shoes to fill in, that’s for sure.
Kamala: Well Jack Lalanne was an inspiration I mean into the world’s what he was able to do- no steroids, no artificiality just real body. Tell me a little bit about what about him that inspires you and what aspects you aspire to emulate based on Jack Lalanne.
Evan: What’s interesting about Jack, and I actually got a chance to hang out with him a little bit last year, it’s about a year and a half ago and he’s just an amazing guy. I think that at the time he was still in his 90s he was still swimming a couple of miles a day and just still living the walk basically. But what’s interesting about Jack was you can get him on YouTube now which is great about technology and you can look at all of his old shows that were in the 50s and 60s and what he was talking about then is considered cutting edge today. And you see how revolutionary he was, talking about stuff. We’re talking about 60 years later and calling it cutting edge. And so from a pioneer aspect, it’s just, you got to tip your hat to guys like that because obviously, health and fitness was a much different field back then, than it is now.
Kamala: Right…
Evan: I tip my hand to him for being a pioneer and also for being someone who’s willing to be someone who goes against the grain; be a non-traditionalist; be someone that people like, “Who’s that weirdo doing exercises over there?”
Kamala: And so what are some of the things that you would say would be considered cutting edge today that’s really been around for fifty years and also how do you see yourself as a pioneer?
Evan: Well Jack talking about back then the same stuff we’re talking about now with the dangers of dairy, you know, avoiding dairy, avoiding red meat, saying that. I talk about it in my book is how dangerous refined sugar is. And so those three things have, you know still today they’re finding out more and more; see the tide turning on those things but he was the guy uncovering them. Again, 60 years ago and it’s finally taking. It’s interesting because it’s finally taken the death toll economically on health care system to get people to turn it around. Because once it hits everyone in their wallet, then people start taking notice. So again the interesting thing about Jack there and what I also loved about him, what I want to model my life after is he showed what the human body can do, what’s normal for the human body if you take care of it. So a lot of people don’t know that on his 65th and 70th birthdays he was doing…I mean you’re from the Bay Area. I don’t know if you remember but he used to hand cuff himself and swim from Alcatraz back to the beach handcuffed!
Kamala: Yeah…
Evan: You know, in his 60s and 70s!
Kamala: Yeah…
Evan: And doing crazy stuff like that it’s like, “Wow! You know if I take care of my body I really can do that” versus the mentality we have now, everybody the gold forty, I’m broken down, I’m old and slow and people buy into that and Jack was just like this is how the body works and Jacks the perfect example. He was not an old, broken-down guy in an old age home. He lived until he died; everything until the last couple of weeks, he was swimming, eating and running and doing all the things he normally does so that’s what I admire about him. I would do the same thing. I would be playing football with my great-grandkids. I don’t want to be sitting around all day.