Treatments For Degenerative Arthritis

October 24, 2013 by No Comments

In order to implement successful treatments for degenerative arthritis, it is helpful to understand the causes of the disease. This type of disease afflicts the bones and degenerate the skeleton through bone loss and brittleness. Most patients that are afflicted with the illness are women, although some men do present with the disease. Not all are elderly and the medical condition can strike at any time in a person’s life even though many women do develop overt symptoms after menopause. This disease can permanently cripple patients who suffer fractures and degenerative bone loss which accounts for the condition called ‘Dowager’s Hump’ in elderly women.

General causes of this illness can be deficiencies of vitamins A, D, K, calcium and magnesium as well as the use of certain medications, kidney disease, alcohol consumption, depression and other diseases or lifestyle choices. Most doctors agree that treatments for degenerative arthritis include a healthy diet in conjunction with exercise and plenty of sunshine which can significantly lower certain risk factors and provide preventive treatments. Medical professionals suggested that this medical condition is totally treatable and generally preventable through certain health considerations.

The second most prominent arthritic treatment is used for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. This type of illness is caused by an autoimmune disorder and results in damage to joints and eventual deformity. Sometimes overlapping symptoms with such illnesses as lupus, this medical condition is more serious generally than other degenerative conditions and can cause organ damage and general ill health. Diagnosis of the disease in its early stages can put the disease in remission. Otherwise, degeneration can worsen to the point of making a patient immobile without chance of reversal.

The early stages of the disease manifest itself with joint pain, stiffness and fatigue as well as simple fevers with accompanying weight loss. Unlike osteoporosis, there are no known risk factors except for possibly a genetic predisposition from other family members. There is no preventive treatment for rheumatoid arthritis like there are preventive treatments for degenerative arthritis. Early diagnosis is generally the only option for dealing with the illness in a successful way. The most common ways of dealing with the symptoms and progression of the disease are medication and healthy changes in lifestyle.

Diet and exercise are important in treatment for rheumatoid arthritis pain that can occur as well as perhaps slow some damage to joints. Since there are different stages to the medical condition, the medical management plan will be different for each stage. Medications are a primary way of reducing the inflammation associated with the condition and differing medicine is used at varying degrees of illness. There is no known cure for this condition, but catching symptoms early can provide relief and a way to manage problems for the duration of a patient’s life. Sometimes personal patience with a tenaciousness of turning over every stone for a medical treatment or alternative method can be helpful for those who live with the difficulties of rheumatoid disease. “The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.” (Nahum 1:7)

There are alternative treatments for degenerative arthritis as well as rheumatoid and many people choose to educate themselves about traditional approaches as well as non-traditional options in order to determine which is the best way to manage their illness. Many patients of either type of illness opt to try herbal remedies, vitamin therapy and diet manipulation in order to achieve some benefits for their problems. Since so many treatments for illnesses can be speculative at best and sometimes cause more health problems, some patients would rather attempt to manage their illness through avenues of lesser risks.

Unless absolutely necessary to use high risk medicines for quickly progressive symptoms, some health care providers lean toward lesser forms of pain management which can prove to be helpful in some cases. Some alternative treatments can effectively relieve symptoms and some can even reverse some effects of the illnesses especially in non-life threatening situations. The most treatable, of course, is osteoporosis in which food and vitamin can be highly successful in cooperation with other lifestyle adjustments. Alternative treatment for rheumatoid arthritis can be effective in lessening symptoms as well which is a welcome relief to many who suffer with the permanent condition.

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