Natural Remedies For Gout

November 9, 2013 by No Comments

The cause of the condition has been associated with eating too much red meat and alcohol. Rich foods such as gravies, sauces, yeast and sweet breads are also offenders. Drinking red wine and beer can also complicate the condition. The common offending element in all of these foods is purine which causes excess uric acid in the blood. Perhaps the most well-known historical figure who had the condition is Henry VIII. He was very wealthy which made it possible for him to have access to large amounts of red meats and wine in answer to his every whim. People who were poorer did not have access to red meats and expensive wines, but neither did they develop the condition. Since those days, gout has been dubbed the ‘rich man’s disease.’ Today, residents of countries like America are more likely to develop the condition because of the rich foods that are available. Those who develop the condition, however, have found that there are some natural remedies for gout that can alleviate or heal the condition.

Relieving the filter overload on the kidneys is one of the primary ways to deal with the problem. Those who espouse natural remedies for gout believe it is important to give the kidneys a break by eliminating purine rich foods in the diet. Red meat should be restricted to only a couple times a week for those who have a moderate gout condition. Seafoods such as salmon, scallops and mussels need to be eliminated as well. For people who have a severe condition, it is suggested to eliminate rich foods altogether from a diet for at least a month in order to give the kidneys a much needed break. While restricting the daily intake of rich foods, adding herbal remedies for gout can prove to be very helpful. “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth…” (Genesis 1:29a)

Dandelion is an effective herb that is known for its detox properties. Drinking dandelion tea every day can help to support liver and kidney functions. Dandelion is available in easy to brew tea bags or in loose bulk form. Alfalfa is another herb that is often used to help digestion in the stomach and to reduce acid buildup in the blood. Alfalfa can be purchased from many health food stores and is found in tea bags or in capsules. Other herbal remedies for gout include Buchu and Uva Ursi that help to soothe and return the kidneys and urinary tract to good health. When the kidneys do not function properly, the surrounding tissues become inflamed. These herbs offer anti-inflammation properties to provide support to ailing kidney and urinary tract tissues.

Devil’s Claw is a very popular herb used to eliminate pain in the joints for both gout and rheumatoid arthritis. The herb also helps to reduce the levels of uric acid as well as lower serum cholesterol levels. A recommended dosage is to take approximately 750 milligrams of Devil’s Claw three times a day. Gravelroot is an herb that stimulates the elimination of uric acid from the body. This can be purchased in dried form and 2 teaspoons added to a cup of water. Drinking the mixture three times a day can help reduce acid toxicity in the blood. There are also other natural remedies for gout that have proven effective for some people. Surprisingly, eating large amounts of fresh or canned cherries has been shown to be a productive remedy for gout.

Consuming at least a half pound of fresh or canned cherries a day can reduce uric acid levels and eliminate the recurrence of an attack. Other berries that are also effective for the same reason include blue berries and other dark red-blue berries. These berries contain flavonoids that help protect collagen as well. Another treatment that can be included simultaneously with herbal remedies for gout is the addition of rosehip tea to the diet. Rosehips are considered one of the most effective gout tonics when taken as a beverage. Approximately 5 rosehips tea bags should be steeped in a large bottle of water.

This brew should be taken cold and should replace other drinks for a while as a detoxification regimen. Rosehips also contain vitamin C and iron which provides a support to the body’s systems. For those who drink lots of tea or coffee, replacing these drinks with rosehip tea can be quite beneficial. If a person doesn’t care for cold drinks, this brew can be warmed for a hot tea beverage. A typical flare-up of the illness can be eliminated by applying some of these tried and true, natural remedies for gout. Many people prefer alternative treatments to prescription medications for the condition, which may only mask the symptoms and ignore the fundamental problems. For more information, consult an herbalist or holistic doctor for more extensive, natural treatment protocols.

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