Fibromyalgia Symptom Treatment
Fibromyalgia symptom treatment alternatives are widespread and offer both physical therapy approaches as well as naturopathic options for those who suffer from this often debilitating disorder. The term fibromyalgia means muscle and connective tissue pain and refers to chronic widespread bodily pain, sometimes even resulting in heightened pain from a gentle touch. But there are other symptoms also associated with this condition, including overwhelming fatigue, sleep disturbance, joint stiffness, difficulty swallowing, bladder irregularities, breathing difficulties and numbness or tingling in the extremities as well as anxiety and learning dysfunction. It is a syndrome that affects women in a 9:1 ratio as compared with males, and usually strikes between the ages of twenty and fifty. Ten to thirty percent of all diagnosed with the disease report being so affected by the disease that they were unable to work, finish their educational pursuits or stay active with their careers. It is a disease that is still in its infancy of being understood. While treatments are somewhat effective for some and often of little effect for others, the medical community is racing to discover the best and most helpful fibromyalgia symptom treatment options available. As of today, the most effective are a combination of drug therapies, some naturopathic remedies for those who want to eschew chemicals, and some mild exercise routines. This condition doesn’t lead to other diseases or conditions, but because it does often make a person disdain the touch of others, it can certainly affect relationships. Additionally, with the lack of sleep that many experience, it can affect work and other daytime activities. One of the great side effects of the condition is mild to severe depression and so in addition to the increased sensitivity to pain is often the need to treat depression that accompanies fibromyalgia.
When initially talking to a physician about the diagnosis of fibromyalgia, the first suggestions from him or her may be to try over the counter medicines such as Tylenol which is acetaminophen. However, a prescription such as Tramadol which can be used in conjunction with over the counter remedies may also be included. If the effectiveness of the Tylenol is limited the physician may have the suggestion to try using Motrin, Aleve or other over the counter medications. Since naproxen sodium (Aleve) may have some long term risks, a discussion with the physician should be forthcoming. Just as in treating other certain conditions, fibromyalgia symptom treatment will be experimental in scope, with the physician often trying various combinations to help relieve the suffering caused by this yet mysterious and minimally known about ailment. “God be merciful to unto us and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us: that thy way may be known upon the earth, thy saving health among the nations.” (Psalm 67:1, 2)
One of the most promising of the drug therapies is the new drug called Lyrica. This drug is specifically designed for fibromyalgia symptom treatment relief, and has been shown to cut the pain in half for thirty percent of those who have used the drug. Antidepressant drugs are also prominent in the fibromyalgia treatment protocol, because so many sufferers slide into mild to severe depression because of the pain. When an outsider realizes how debilitating this disease can be and how it can affect the most personal of relationships, it is not hard to understand why those who suffer from this syndrome would need the help of drug and perhaps even counseling fibromyalgia symptom treatment therapies to cope. But there are naturopathic ways to treat this syndrome also.
Patients who have this disorder have found that non-drug methods of reducing pain also offer a measured value of relief. Biofeedback is a method of fibromyalgia symptom treatment in which the patient is able to monitor different bodily responses to various patterns of thinking. For example, certain negative or self effacing thoughts can raise the blood pressure or heighten brain wave function. Using biofeedback techniques, that pressure can come down, the brain activity drop considerably and relaxation takes place. It’s not difficult to see how this might be of some help for the person looking for fibromyalgia symptom treatment relief, especially when stressed over activities not being able to be performed because of the pain. Other patients have found that when used in certain very painful joints, acupuncture can certainly prove to be of temporary relief. And if the patient can stand the touch, massage therapy can be of great help in relieving painful muscles in the ongoing battle against fibromyalgia.
At this moment in the 21st century there is no known cure for this often debilitating disease. For the over four million people who suffer from this disorder in the United States, the reality is that each day is a constant battle against something that doctors don’t understand fully themselves, but who have now recognized it as a legitimate and chronic condition that needs empathetic care and support. Often as part of the ongoing treatment process, counseling will be suggested to the patient, especially if the pain is having severe affects on the will to get up in the morning or the depression is too critical to overcome by a drug therapy alone. In many cases, one of the best fibromyalgia symptom treatment alternatives is for the patient to get into a support group where other sufferers have banded together to encourage and support each other through the hard times. Few therapies work as well as colleagues and peers who are experiencing the same pain and hardship to share and encourage one another.