Am I really spending this much time in z5 and z6? Or is my FTP way low?
BTW, in my opinion, the best you can do in the near future is intervals and weight training with focus on legs. (See thread “building strength but not mass?”)
You have fairly high FTP for your height that is not likely to budge significantly without high intensity training. You’re also extremely light (BMI 18.5?) and you have low anaerobic capacity, both of which indicate the same thing: borderline unhealthy lack of skeletal muscle. Even the most distinguished professional climbing specialists rarely have BMIs below 20. You could afford to have another 10 pounds if it meant at least doubling your anaerobic capacity.
Of course, you’d have to watch your weight and try to keep repetitions low in all exercises not involving legs, since the FTP of 4.35 w/kg is a good thing to have in itself, and it’s best not to hurt this number unless necessary.
I’m slightly higher than you are and I’m on the opposite side of the BMI equation (too many pizzas and days in a Herman Miller chair = at least 20 lbs of excess fat that I’d like to lose eventually).
And I’m pretty sure that I can get that AWC up past 30, since I just started doing lifting after a long break.