Relief From Arthritis Pain

October 29, 2013 by No Comments

When people are looking for relief from arthritis pain, they have many options that will give them educational training, physical training, and mental support. Many patients would like to find natural pain relief as a substitute for the prescription drugs often given to alleviate the condition. One of the most important aspects of finding respite from the ongoing problem of arthritic disease is learning about the condition. There are several types of this illness, including rheumatoid, osteoarthritis, and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritic conditions are characterized by an inflammation of the lining of the joints. It has three stages: The swelling of the lining, which causes pain, warmth, stiffness, and swelling around the joint. The second is when cells in the joint produce rapid division and growth, which causes the synovium, or lining, to thicken. These cells are called pannus. Last, these cells release enzymes that harm the bone and cartilage. This often results in deformation at the site and loss of movement. Frequent flare-ups may occur, and it may also affect other organs in the body. Early detection and aggressive treatment can prevent the sufferer from experiencing debilitation later in life.
Osteoarthritis is a completely different disease. It is considered a wear-and-tear ailment where the cartilage breaks down, causing pain in the joints. Cartilage cushions the ends of the bones and allows for fluid movement. When it breaks down, the bones may rub together, causing even further damage. This disease is also known as degenerative arthritis. The cause is not known, nor is there a cure for this problem. Age, obesity, overuse of body parts, and heritage are suspected causes. The stages for osteoarthritis are: First, the cartilage is damaged. Then changes are made to the bone. This leads to bits of bone that may float within the joints. Last, the joint lining becomes inflamed. This causes cytokines (inflammation proteins) to damage the lining even further. This may mean that the joints become misshapen, result in bony spurs, or cause a lack of fluid, decreasing the joint’s ability to absorb shock.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, often call JA, is found in children. Many times it is a mild condition, but occasionally may result in serious complications for the child. The reasons for seeking relief from arthritis pain are different than the other two diseases. Because children are so much more active and have so much life left to live, the choice for natural pain relief is even more advantageous. JA has four stages: First, the symptoms are inflammation, contracture, and changes in the growth of joints. This results in stiffness following a time of rest, decreased activity, and weakness in the muscles. These symptoms vary widely from one child to another. Sometimes, the child may be referred to a pediatric rheumatologist who will do a battery of tests to try to determine a diagnosis. But a diagnosis may be difficult to ascertain since there are no definite tests that can narrow down a diagnosis of JA.

There are three major types of JA: pauciarticular affects four or fewer joints, polyarticular affects five or more, and systemic onset JRA, which includes inflammation of internal organs as well as the other sympotms. The pediatric rheumatologist must consult with the parents on the right type of relief from arthritis pain since drugs and treatments affect children much differently than they do adults. When a person is in the growing time of life, precaution must be taken in what treatments to undergo so that the process of growth will not be interrupted. Many adults turn to over-the-counter drugs to help alleviate the symptoms, and child’s over-the-counter medications are also available. But caution must be taken not to over-prescribe these drugs because even a medication as familiar as baby aspirin may have long-term side effects.

Over-the-counter and prescription medications are often called NAIDS, which means nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs. They include aspirin, ibuprofen, and prescriptions such as celebrex and naproxen. These pills may have side effects involving either the stomach or the heart, so caution is advised when taking them. Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin is a recent over-the-counter medication that has shown good results in medical testing. These are actually two supplements that work together to reduce inflammation and prevent the progression of the disease. The medication can even help in the production of new cartilage. These both are natural substances and can be used for natural pain relief. There are many different types of this product in the stores, so the buyer must be careful about which one he purchases. Reading labels is essential.

Exercise is another avenue for a drug-free treatment. Some who suffers from the condition can find many DVDs and books that show arthritics how to exercise without further harming joints and bones. One simple exercise that has shown great success is walking. This has been found to be of greater benefit than jogging, especially for people who are already dealing with damage to the joints. Another area where we can find relief from arthritis pain is through our spiritual resources. “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) Strength can come from spiritual resources as well as physical or medical ones. Sometimes, spiritual remedies can be the greatest natural pain relief for any disease or condition. No one can cure this progressive condition, but anyone can overcome with the use of natural pain relief and common sense treatments.

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