Heart: Mikaya Heart

February 26, 2013 by No Comments


Kamala Appel: Hi this is Kamala Appel, I’m here tonight with Mikaya Heart. We’re going to share some information to help other people live a healthier life. First I’d like to give Mikaya the opportunity to introduce herself and tell us a little bit about her background. Mikaya, please introduce yourself.

Mikaya Heart: Hi; so I’m an author and I’m now a coach in the art of being fully alive, which is really something I took up doing when I had what I call my epiphany or my “aha” moment; however you put it, when I really changed my life. So anyway what I teach people is about allowing universal energy to move through you freely. There are different ways of doing that for everyone, but that is for me the ultimate definition of good health. And I write books on different subjects, but they are all described as inspiring reads, which I love.

Kamala Appel: So when did you decided to make a commitment to living a healthy lifestyle and why; so in other words what was your “aha” moment that really made you inspired and committed?

Mikaya Heart: I was living the kind of life that everybody lives; which is running around and doing things and staying very busy all day, and getting stressed out. And over a period of what was really a period of about three years various things happened. The first thing that happened is I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C, and that really took me up short.

But I didn’t immediately change my life; I was mulling it over, thinking about it a lot. Then I started really questioning what life was about, and I had a couple of very startling experiences which…they were very personal; so an onlooker wouldn’t have seen anything. One of them was an experience of absolute bliss that I suppose might be called a story of enlightenment.

Kamala Appel: Nirvana?

Mikaya Heart: And left me with very much of an awareness that my being is much more important than anything I do or have. Then another one was, I won’t go into that too much; I met myself in the mirror, and it was very extraordinary. That left me with the awareness that there was nothing…I had no excuse to be motivated by fear, and that I really only wanted to be motivated by trust.

And then the fourth thing that happened, which was most spectacular by a long is that I fell on my head. I fell off a horse on my head, and I lay unconscious in the dirt for probably two hours or so. When I awoke I couldn’t really move, and I just knew that my body needed help. And I wasn’t even thinking bad, I wasn’t thinking in terms of who I was or where I was until I realized that I needed help.

And then I realized that the nearest house was about half a mile away, and I couldn’t even walk. And in the next instant I’d found myself in that house. The woman that lived there said I just fell in the door, and she called an ambulance, it took me to a hospital and I was fine. I had a concussion, I actually spent three days feeling really, really, really, happy, and pleased with life and just appreciating the beauty of life and being me; then I got back into my busy life.

Then there came a time about a few months later, and when I looked back and I thought I have just got back into my busy life and I’ve had all these different wake up calls and now is the time to change. And in that moment I decided that I would do whatever I needed to do to live an absolutely stress-free life.

So I sold my place, what I earned, I sold my place and I took off traveling, and I had some…my life is…I have the most wonderful live now. And over the last few years, that was in 2000 when that happened, and over the last few years I’ve developed my practice as a coach. It’s really about teaching people to be motivated by trust.

Kamala Appel: So did you feel after having a concussion and falling off the horse; hopefully you got your horse back. But after that then did you appreciate things a little bit more? Do you think that was part of what made you feel more blissful or just having that brush of being unconscious for two hours?

Mikaya Heart: I think things got…you know, I fell on my head; I think things go shifted around in my head. I was just able to perhaps…you might put it being more in my left brain and less in the rational part of the brain or more in the part of my brain appreciates things.

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