Nutrition: Darren Wayne

February 12, 2013 by No Comments


Kamala Appel: Hello everyone, this is Kamala Appel and I’m here with Darren Wayne. We are going to be talking about how to live a healthy lifestyle and it might be easier than you thought which is why we are talking to different people, today I’m talking to Darren. Darren please introduce yourself to everyone so people can know a little bit about you

Darren Wayne: Of course, well I’m Darren Wayne but my colleagues call me Dr. Wayne, whichever is fine though. I have a PhD in Bioscience and I’m Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner. I have been in practice well over 20 years but I’ve been teaching ever since I was a little boy. I come from a strong background of natural doctors and naturalists in my family, so I certainly do know a lot about the body more than what medical schools teach I’m proud to say. I’ve heard and seen it all.

So many have come from the medical industry of taking drugs and surgery, and have been new to the natural holistic side of treating disease. Many have been pleasantly surprised to know that they don’t have to endure side effects. This is the most endearing aspect of actually treating disease without drugs or pills.

I have had the privilege of talking to people from all over the world many of which have been sent home to die because their doctors can’t help them anymore. There aren’t any more drugs to lessen the pain, and there’s nothing more to cut out of you so they send you home to just tell your family to take care of you and make sure you’re comfortable. Well I’ve seen since I was a little boy with my mother and my grandmother, all of them at that time used strictly food telling people how to eat, what foods are good, and what foods are bad. Now we all know eat fruits and vegetables but people don’t realize that there are several different levels of quality food in this country all the way down to foodless food that isn’t even real food but taste like it. All the way up to food powerful enough actually, you can notice a huge difference and feel less pain in a matter of days kind of like drugs do and everything in between.

I did go to college, university, and I did a lot of volunteer work at clinic so I was able to see the drug side of treating disease. I can tell you that the problems in disease really come down to treating symptoms and ignoring the cause so the wonderful thing about being a natural doctor is I don’t deal with drugs or anything like that. I have no need to do anything like that because I know the power of food. I’ve been teaching this for many years now, few decades already, and I’m happy to share this with your listeners as well.

Kamala Appel: That’s incredible, I think considering now the raised consciousness of addictions and abuse of prescription drugs. That’s like the new pot but it was like pot in the ‘60s and ‘70s, cocaine in the ‘80s, and crack in the ‘90s. Now the new rage is open up your cabinet, whatever people can find, just take it in mass quantities and that’s a pretty horrifying phenomena going on in our country. So I’m wondering, what got you on the path to being so committed to having a healthy lifestyle, did you have an “aha” moment or were you kind of always living healthy?

Darren Wayne: I was raised that way; of course I didn’t I have to choose. I was raised to eat only food, I’m probably only the few people left in this country that has never been vaccinated or inoculated. People think I’m either a mutant or a mad man but I promise you I’m neither. I’m a simple man whose immune system has never been compromised with shots.

Kamala Appel: Wow, when were you born?

Darren Wayne: I was born in the early ‘70s.

Kamala Appel: Okay, so I mean you’re young. It’s not like you’re born in the ‘40s or ‘50s when people got those weird diseases.

Darren Wayne: Oh no, those weird diseases are now very common today though but yeah my parents, they have this knowledge already. Of course if I was raised in a typical family where everyone relied on what mainstream medical said; I’d have a body filled with shots, vaccines, and drugs for every sniffle I have and every type of soda pop you can imagine that I’d be drinking. This is what a typical family that I saw growing up would be doing each and every day, but I myself would often look at them and think to myself, “wow”. They seem to be getting along with people a lot more out there in mainstream but they’re really sick, always sick; allergies, coughs, flu’s every winter. What’s wrong with them? I never got sick so I didn’t understand that growing up.

I thought the healthier you are, the more noticed you’d be and more respected you become, but I realized later in life that no, that’s not how it works. When you’re ridiculed, you know you’re doing something right. When you’re kind of considered an outcast or the alternative crazy health-nut guy then you know you’re doing something right. When you fit in, when you’re part of the pack, when everyone loves you wherever you go, when you can chat about drugs and which drug plan is best, and kind of fit in with the stereotypical patient who is suffering from a disease out there, and get along in their conversation, know what they’re talking about and feel their pain. When you’re able to experience all of that then you fit right in, they say “I’ll pray for you”. Yeah, good luck.

But no one knows anything about how to be healthy. They know to eat fruits and vegetables; they know this already. They’ve heard it their entire life since they were children. Their problem isn’t that they don’t have the knowledge or they don’t have the means to find these healthier foods. It’s just plain old inconvenient and believe you me no one likes to be persecuted for believing what’s right.

It’s always easier to follow the crowd and what’s up with the crowd these days? Well, they’re dying left and right, every single day a baby dies; a little boy, a little girl, a mother, a father, some child, grandmother, grandfather dying every single day from completely preventable diseases all because they follow a crowd. They only know the thought of the crowd which is treat symptoms, pray, and hope for the best. That’s all they got, that’s all they go for and they’re so dependent on this system of treatment and so loyal to it that if anyone ever tries to suggest that there is another way. They’ll either ridicule you, they’ll make fun of you, or just straight out hate you and think you’re a snake oil salesmen.

Kamala Appel: Well I think there is something to that statement of misery likes company. Also how the leaders at some point, if you look at basic history, leaders pretty much in every field of thought from philosophy especially science; but even in literature and music that leaders in an industry tend to be treated as the outcast because no one else can get their mind around it. Then a hundred years later, people say “well it’s so obvious that the world isn’t flat”. Well I bet you if you were alive five hundred years ago, you would have been one of those laughing at someone thinking “well we probably could go around the world and not fall of the edge.”

Darren Wayne: Well yeah actually, when you introduce something new in my case telling people to eat healthy food, I can imagine that everything new; nevertheless it seems to be regarded as the alternative. If you go back in time far enough, drugs and surgeries are far more alternative than eating food, but okay fine I will stick with that stereotype of being the alternative natural doctor. Sure, that’s okay I can live with that but there are many medical doctors in the past who have come to the realization that the system in which they are using does not cure anyone. Why do you think every surgery you do, you have to sign your life away to a statement that says “oh if we kill you, you won’t sue us” because they know they can’t cure a thing and if they did they lose billions and trillions of dollars.

There’s this one medical doctor a few decades back, Glenn A. Warner M.D., he was quoted saying, “we have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison.” That is the entire medical industry in one little nut shell, that’s the entire industry. It has nothing to do with health. It has nothing to do with curing anything, and if you think throwing money at a disease is going to cure it. It’s probably you added up all the donations for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes alone. We’re talking probably half a trillion dollars, do you actually think another million is going to make a difference? They’re not aiming at a cure and they don’t want to. I’m sorry to say, they don’t want to and they really can’t because if they did cure this disease, billions of dollars worth of income that families are earning from drugs, surgical equipment, salaries, etc., a lot of families’ lives would be ruined. It’s so entrenched in societies nowadays that you really can’t, even if all the governments got together, something wonderful happen in their brains that told them all at once, “you know what let’s cure disease right now, here it is.” Even if they did do that, society would come to a standstill because so much is relied on the medical industry. So it’s not my goal to change society, I just want to help a few people along the way.

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